Do you need piano movers in Portland?
We don’t recommend moving a piano on your own, as you could damage the instrument itself, as well as the surrounding walls and floors – not to mention your back! But if you’re determined to tackle a DIY piano move, here are some tips.
Measure the New Space
Before you even think of moving the piano, take detailed measurements of the destination room, as well as doors and staircases. This will determine if you can even fit the piano into your new home in the first place. This will also help you choose the correct size moving truck.
Get the Right Equipment
You will need a four-wheel piano dolly, straps, and padding, at minimum. For a grand piano, you will also need a piano skid board and additional strapping and padding. Pick up some designated piano straps to achieve the correct tension.
Clear a Path
Walk along the path you intend to take with the piano. Clear any obstacles that could get in the way. Remove area rugs that could cause a tripping hazard. Open all doors and prepare the route accordingly.
Get Helpers
Call some friends to help you out. Doesn’t matter how small the piano is, this is never a one-person job. You will need at least three adults to transport the piano safely, more if you have a large piano.
Transport the Piano
Wrap the piano with blankets and then load it onto the dolly. Carefully make your way to the truck, reassessing the balance of the load as you go. Don’t rely on the casters, as these wheels are only meant to adjust the placement of the piano and aren’t meant to be pushed over large distances. They can scratch and dent your flooring if they jam or crack.

Load the Piano Onto the Truck
Make sure the piano is the first thing on the truck, placing it at the back. Secure it to the walls and floors so it doesn’t tip in transit.
Retune the Piano After the Move
Even the slightest movement can cause your instrument to get out of tune. Have a professional retune it once it’s in the new home, but experts say to wait about a month to let things settle.
In the end, just remember that pianos are very heavy, and shouldn’t be moved without professional help. Grand pianos can weigh as much as 1,400 pounds, while even smaller upright models weigh about 300 pounds. Most pianos fall somewhere in the middle, around 800 pounds.
It’s in your best interests to hire a professional piano mover for the job. They show up with all the right equipment to move your piano safely and efficiently, taking care not to damage the surrounding environment. Want to know how to move a piano the right way? Hire a pro!
Contact Portland Move for Professional Piano Movers
Here at Portland Move, we specialize in piano moves. To get a free quote and to let us help preserve your back, contact us at 971-290-2369.